I’m a junior undergraduate in the Department of Aerospace Engineering, pursuing Bachelors of Technology(B.tech.) in Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
Previously, I did a 3 months internship on designing and developing (with dynamic modeling) an Anti-Vibration Mount for a Coaxial Octacopter powered with Hybrid Engine, under the supervision of Dr. SN Omkar, Chief Research Scientist, IISc-Bangalore.
Currently, I’m working in Team Autonomous Underwater Vehicles(AUV) in Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab, under the supervision of Dr. C.S Kumar, Professor, IIT-Kgp;
Developing architecture for a SWARM of UAVs using evolutionary computation intelligence, under the guidance of Dr. A K Deb, Associate Professor, IIT-Kgp and;
A project on Optimising Camberline of a Servo actuated Morphing Wing, under the supervision of Dr. Sandeep Saha, Assistant Professor, IIT-Kgp.
I am very enthusiastic about working on mobile robotics and intelligent systems, where I have experience in various fields like control, autonomy and dynamics - mechanical systems and aerodynamics.